Probably my favorite song on the Slow Nights. Fast Food. album, this is the music video for “Do It Cuz You Love It.” The message is pretty clear (I hope): do whatever you do because you love it, nothing else. I’m as guilty as anyone of sometimes losing sight of why I do the things I’m most passionate about. You start to think that it’s not worth the time and effort if there is no money in it, or that perhaps the haters are right and no one will ever appreciate what you’re doing. The bottom line is that if it makes you happy then you should do it. Do it right now while you’re able and into it. The video was a fun impromptu shoot. I was in Galveston on a day trip with ol’ G-Bird, had a camera and figured “why not shoot a video while we’re here?” I had to buy a cheap change of clothes once I decided I would stand waist-deep in the gulf for this thing. The water was rolling pretty good that day so standing up straight and rapping at a fixed point was pretty difficult. Hopefully I’m the first rapper to ever film a music video while standing in the Gulf of Mexico…